IAPS Security on ISP Blocks

IAPS Security has shared with us three easy ways that Internet users can get around ISP blocks on torrent sites. The top VPN of IAPS Security is one way. You can also try Opera or TorrentBrowser. Here are the pros and cons:

Using a VPN to Open Torrent Sites

A VPN like what IAPS Security provides is the safest way to access torrent sites. Even though some users who download content from these sites do not access illegal content, they sometimes get blocked by their ISPs or get slammed for using illegal sites. A VPN hides a user’s IP address so that ISPs and other content filter operators cannot trace the downloads. Once you are connected to the VPN server of your choice, you can transmit data over public networks privately. You can use the sites like usual, but are provided security benefits.

Torrenting with Opera

The Turbo mode of Opera was designed for enhancing browsing speeds, but it can also be used to access blocked websites. This is because Opera Turbo gives better speeds by rerouting your connection through their servers. It works like a VPN in this sense, but it does not guarantee privacy or security.

PirateBrowser for Torrent Site Unblocking

PirateBrowser is created by The Pirate Bay for torrenting. It was based on Mozilla’s Firefox and is designed similar to Opera Turbo. But downloading this browser can already raise red flags. Often these types of downloads are monitored, so you will be on the watch list if your ISP notes that you have downloaded it.IAPS Security

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