How to Setup VPN in a Chromebook

Chromebooks are soon becoming hot devices. More and more people are switching to using Chromebook as their laptops, as the cloud technology is becoming very reliable and productive these days. When it comes to Cloud, being online is second nature. That is the reason why, having extra precautions while being online is necessary. Chromebook has many inbuilt features to protect users while being online, however, one has to do some extra stuff before a virtual private network can be setup. In this tutorial, we shall learn, how to setup VPN in a Chromebook.

Step 1: Go to the network settings of the Chromebook. This can be done by clicking the ‘network icon’ on the top right corner. After clicking this you would get the options regarding the type of network which you can setup.

Step 2: Here, choose, ‘Add a Private Network’. This would take you the page for setting up the VPN.

Step 3: There would be many things which you would need to feel up here. Among the protocols via which you need to setup the VPN, you would have to select L2TP. This would ensure that your VPN connects properly.

Step 4: There are other fields here which need to be filled, using the details which you have from VPN service provider. There will be the following fields that need to be filled:

  • Address of the server
  • Name of the VPN provider. This can be anything actually. However, it’s preferable to set it up as the name of the VPN service provider which you are using.
  • There would be field for PSK, called the pre-shared key. This is the extra level of precaution that the VPN service providers give.
  •  Then there are the usual fields of username and password.

After you have entered these information. You need to save the network.

Now, in order to connect to the VPN, you would have to select the network in question. You would have to select the network which you have just created, and you can connect to the VPN.

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